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No registration available. CAMA will not be holding classes for 2022-2023

Register for classes below by clicking the highlighted links. Visit our Information page for information about Class prices and ages. 

Student Registration fees may be paid at time of pre-registration, or paid during our regular registration dates.  Payment must be paid in full or have a payment plan in place prior to classes starting for students to participate in classes. 



Fill out the Family Registration first to proceed to Student Registration. Only one Family Registration is needed per family, not per student. 

Once you have completed the first step, (Family registration) proceed below to register each student in the classes selected. 


Fill out one Student Registration form for each student you intend to enroll in class based upon ages. Be sure to sign your student up for the classes they are interested in, and include instrument information. 

If your student is undecided about the instrument they want to learn, please include the possible choices.

Click Link Below for Payment Options

Payment Options

Click Link below for Payment Plans

Payment Plan
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